NHS Corruption in North Staffordshire


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Welcome to my website about NHS corruption and extreme prejudice right here in North Staffordshire. The purpose of this website is to publicly show how easy it is to trip these people up and call them out for what they truly are - corrupt and, having left a paper trail that can be used to back up my claims, very sloppy as they are confident they can freely get away with it; therefore, it does not matter how sloppy they are. Unfortunately, there are many lawyers, and others, I think also do a very poor job of representing those under the care of the NHS. This suggests to me there is a widespread systematic problem with professionals connected with the NHS who get into a bad habit of making a living out of service users at the bottom of society the easiest and simplest way possible - often with the deliberate use of extreme prejudice.

I will call myself Nick, but I am attempting to maintain anonymity while I carry out my objective with this website owing to publishing letters, reports and other materials from NHS maintained records about me to back up my claims. Nevertheless, this website is fully traceable to me in the event the local NHS is not happy these claims made publicly available as they have access to very good lawyers; however, I believe their approach with me was flawed to the extent they will not wish to challenge me through the correct channels in any way and I can call them corrupt forevermore.

The Basic Scenario

The basic scenario is that my mum was an NHS staff nurse working at various hospitals in and around the area, and she insisted I was placed under a schizophrenia diagnosis; however, this seemed to cause problems as I was forced through the mental health system. Some mental health professionals made it clear to me they were not happy about this situation for numerous reasons. One mental health professional told me what she thought an issue with this was; she said most parents do what they can to protect their children, but mine were different. She said she thought it was very odd and unusual for any parent to want any of their children diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Moreover, I do not think my mum has had much in the way of mental health training. Even if Dr Shiers says she was a highly competent staff nurse as mentioned in the letter below seemingly to justify why he was going along with her opinion, that does not make her a psychiatrist, yet every psychiatrist responsible for my care has gone along with her when there is probably no other patient in the UK being treated like this. If I speak out about any problems I have had with my parents to psychiatrists, they are very quick to pretend they are perfect parents and shut me up. The obvious solution to this problem is to talk to a lawyer, preferably specialist mental health lawyers, yet I ran into very similar problems with every one I spoke to. I would give them access to mental health records about me with one of them telling me my parents were proved correct by the subsequent psychiatrists I was coerced into seeing. It is when mental health layers will not do a thing about my scenario, you soon find that every psychiatrists responsible for my care thinks of me as someone who would take legal action over something as blatant as this if they could - especially as an NHS nurse getting local doctors and psychiatrist to diagnose a son or daughter of theirs as schizophrenic is probably a very dubious, strange, and unusual conflict of interest that simply could not have a legitimate purpose.

I would argue that this dubious conflict of interest is so unusual it is only I in North Staffordshire who is complaining about such a thing in the entire country, yet it is taken for granted around here in dodgy North Staffordshire. This, I think, would go some way to represent how corrupt these people are refusing to ever go back on it no matter how flawed their approach whereby there have been some who have been making complaints, even to the police, as they perhaps thought there was something wrong going on with me; for instance, a psychiatric nurse said I was different from all the other patients with nothing apparently wrong with me (although it has been suggested that I am sexually inexperienced, there are hidden rules about these things and this could be why some did not like me being put through the deep end of the mental health system because if this is what my problem is, it could have been fixed by simply leaving me alone with some friendly advice to work it out for myself as I was tall and well formed when it is not necessary to be like this to get a girl friend anyway - assuming I have ever bothered to try and get a girl friend in the first place when there is simply no law in any country of the world that would compel me to do so).

While I was forced under the care of local psychiatrists, they perhaps thought I would get very bad legal representation owing, in part, to all the simplistic contradictory nonsense they made up on record about me, the powerful medications they put me on and I would never get out of it. As I will attempt to demonstrate, the problem with psychiatrists placing a lot of nonsense on records to make me look silly at evey turn, is that on the flip side it can make them seem remarkably unprofessional for someone with letters after their name to say these things that have not even been written to GCSE standards.

In the day and age when it is so easy to call psychiatrists out for what they are online, I do not understand how thay could exist in a modern liberal democracy forcing their coercive, interfering and very socialist ways and means on individuals without bothering with the courts, or even a proper diagnostic test to prove anyone is mentally ill in the first place!

I remember a psychiatric nurse once said she dreaded to think what someone from an unusual background like mine would put online about them after I came out the other end of having been through the local mental health system.

The Timeline

To back up the above claims, make more claims and further explain the issues as I have encountered them, I am producing this timeline along with extracts from medical records. At times, this may be done live correcting mistakes as I go along.


At some point, I visited Dr David Shires, a general practitioner who was based at Leek Health Centre in the town of Leek. At around this time, I thought I had been very quickly stigmatised as schizophrenic in the community, among mental health professionals and so on.

I thought Dr Shiers had labelled me as schizophrenic. Even if I did not see a psychiatrist at this time, it seemed to have been freely leaked that I had been given this label. In fact, Dr Shires openly admitted that as he placed on record that he thought I was schizophrenic, people will cause me problems everywhere I go for the rest of my life and there is nothing I can do about it other than take it through the courts if I 'wished to' (I think he said) as though I am privileged, but in reality I was on benefits now with a schizophrenia diagnosis, which is the opposite of a privileged person who could go around taking legal action whenever they wished to do so.

I think that as I was being diagnosed as schizophrenic by my mum and a GP, there were some who were not happy with this situation explaining there are all sorts of rules and issues that were being completely overlooked in my case, such as the following:

1) It is best left for a psychiatrist to form a mental health diagnosis to help avoid misdiagnosis.

2) Doctors are required to make sure they do not prematurely stigmatise a patient with a serious psychiatric label. If a patient is prematurely stigmatised with a serious psychiatric label, such as schizophrenia, it could lead to complications in forming a correct diagnosis by a psychiatrist.

3) Doctors are required to rule out all other possibilities before stigmatising a patient with a serious psychiatric label - once they put it on record that they think a patient of theirs suffers from a serious psychiatric disorder, it has a life changing effect on the way they are treated by many. Moreover, by properly exploring other possibilities it may become apparent that a patient has an issue that is much easier to treat and costs the tax payer much less than it would jumping straight to an extreme life long mental health label.

4) A doctor should not diagnose a patient with a disorder because this what the patient’s parents want. Apparently, there was a time decades ago when over-the-top parents could get a rebellious son or daughter of theirs taken care of by the mental health services, but they found there were all sorts of issues with this practice along with the fact that this is perhaps not an appropriate way to deal with family issues such as this. Essentially, by the 1990's this should have well and truly have been a thing of the passed, yet backwards North Staffordshire NHS has decided otherwise. These days, the mental health services are supposed to be more streamlined as mental health treatments can be very expensive, often costing more than cancer treatments, when there are plenty of other options that can be explored to resolve family issues rather than going straight to an extreme life long mental health label. I think in the 1990's they had a lot more funding forever sloshing around the NHS making these people very complacent.

5) If a patient is misdiagnosed as suffering from a serious psychiatric illness, such as schizophrenia, it is very difficult to put things right as there are serious legal issues involved; In other words, they never want to go back on a serious mental health diagnosis no matter how blatant someone's case is otherwise it would allow patients who have been misdiagnosed to take legal action and claim compensation. Even if this goes back to the 1990's, I am still under the schizophrenia diagnosis my GP at that time gave me and it will not become historical until after I die.. A mental health lawyer said all it takes is for one psychiatrist to agree there was something wrong in my case then I can take legal action, but this is exactly why no psychiatrist will agree there was any problem with my treatment!.

6) This is not to mention there are apparently hidden rules to do with sex (see under 'The Basic Scenario' in paragraph three). This I think seemed to cause concern as lots of people, even including other mental health patients, seemed to realise I was sexually inexperienced and could be why complaints were being made going by how significant some people seemed to think this was. It could also explain why psychiatrists were so overzealous with me having to deal with this problem of people making complaints as I was forced through the mental health system on the say so of my mum.

Dr Shires Letter

As can be seen in the above suspiciously written letter by Dr Shires, it was my mum who decided what I should be diagnosed as suffering from without concidering other possibilities. Even when Dr Shires does list mental health symptoms my mum said I suffered from, none of them are specific to schizophrenia and could easily have numerous other explanations assuming they are an accurate description in the first place owing to the dubious nature of this situation; for instance, social withdrawal could be accounted for as I was claiming benefits not being able to afford much in the way of a social life and having to prioratise what I spent my benfits on, or there could always be any many other explations which Dr Shiers could not be bothered to find out. This would be my first example of how local doctors with letters after their name will not even do things to GCSE standards thus illustrating how insanely incompetent they are, or maybe just extravagantly corrupt as hell! Another point would be that whenever I have spoken to local psychiatrists about mental health diagnosis, they always insist that mental health diagnosis is a difficult and complex process that can take weeks or months, yet Dr Shiers made up his mind about me very quickly without bothering to get to know me personaly and it is as simple as that.

It was Dr Shires who was the first doctor to tell me 'We can only go by what you tell us'. Since then every psychiatrist I have met has said exactly the same thing; however, it has always been obvious they only go by what my parents say about me giving them a lot of power over my treatment completely free of charge at the cost of the tax payer while my parents lived in a big countryside million pound property. In fact, I remember my over-the-top Cambridge educated father said he gave Dr Shires a bottle of whisky for diagnosing me as schizophrenic. To give an example of how he was an over-the-top father, he held it against me that I was 'state school educated' and sometimes seemed to think we were still in the 1950's - at a time when people who were state school educated had very limited prospects and it was accepted practice for the mental health services to take care of a rebellious son or daughter. It is very obvious that my mum using her influence as an NHS staff nurse to get me diagnosed as schizophrenic is a conflict on interest, yet every local doctor and psychiatrist goes along with it always putting me in a situation whereby I must accept it unless I take it to court. They then pretend it is easy to take it to court and if I do not do so, this must prove their approach correct.

I have an unusual background not being from the UK, yet a great grandfather of mine was a desert rat (although this was not what he was famous for). The point being that people seem to take an interest in me just for having an unusual background alone and when someone like Dr Shiers is insisting different rules must apply to me to literally everyone else, this sort of thing can cause problems and attract many complaints, but I'm not the one who has to pay the costs involed. Anyway, just like Dr Shiers said that if I did not like what he was saying about me on record I could take it to court if I wish to, I am now making a perment record of his dubious approach openly and transparently online for anyone in the world to see and I suppose if he does not like it, he could simply take me to court should he wish to.

Another thing to note about Dr Shiers is that a relative of his in the area was friends with my dad and is friends with my mother. The point being is that these freaky socialist NHS GP's are not just here to treat people and their health conditions - they also exercise a great deal of power over the lives of some of their patients.

Dr Shires Letter

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